Behavioral and Experimental Economics Lab

The Behavioural and Experimental Economics Lab (BEELab+) is a research unit that aims to study individual and collective behaviour in situations relevant to economics and management, to support and stimulate the use of experiments in the classroom, and to serve as a place of coordination and discussion for those using experiments in the social sciences.

Workshop BEES.

Workshop BEES. The Workshop BEES "Behavioural and Experimental Economics for Sustainability", will be held at the Social Sciences Campus, Florence, on October 17-18, 2024

Economic experiments.

Economic experiments. Recruitment is now open

DISEI/BEELab+ research seminar - April 16th.

DISEI/BEELab+ research seminar - April 16th. Pietro Guarnieri (Università di Pisa) at the Social Sciences Campus - Florence

DISEI/BEELab+ research seminar - March 19th.

DISEI/BEELab+ research seminar - March 19th. Nives Della Valle (Joint Research Centre - European Commission) at the Social Sciences Campus - Florence 

DISEI/BEELab+ research seminar - February 27th.

DISEI/BEELab+ research seminar - February 27th. Francesco Salustri (Università Roma Tre) at the Social Sciences Campus - Florence - The behavioural economics of responsible consumption


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