2024 BEES Workshop: Behavioural and Experimental Economics for Sustainability

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DISEI, the Department of Economics and Management, and BEELab+, the Behavioural and Experimental Economics Lab of the University of Florence, organise the workshop on:

Behavioural and Experimental Economics for Sustainability

to be held in Firenze (Italy) on October 17-18, 2024.


The workshop focuses on the application of behavioural and experimental economics to promote sustainability.

The event aims to improve the understanding of the dynamics that influence consumers' and firms' economic and behavioural choices with environmental implications. In this context, the workshop also aims to critically promote the role of the experimental approach in understanding and addressing sustainability challenges. Prosocial motivations may be an important factor leading to actual pro-environmental behaviour. Therefore, studying which behavioural tools are most effective in triggering prosocial motivations can be extremely useful in designing pro-environmental policies, and in raising awareness sustainability issues. The workshop aims to foster new collaborations in this emerging field of research.

Both theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome.
Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • game theory applied to sustainability
  • boosting and/or nudging pro-environmental behaviors
  • climate change and cognitive bias
  • ecological rationality and cooperative behaviors
  • application of economic incentives (e.g., environmental taxation)
  • sustainable consumption and production
  • business strategies for sustainability
  • social environmental dynamics

Guest speakers

Marco Casari - Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Laura Razzolini - Culverhouse College of Business - University of Alabama

Call for papers and poster

Paper submission

The deadline for submission of abstracts is July 2, 2024.

Submission of paper abstracts

Acceptance will be communicated by July 15, 2024.


Scientific Advisory Board

Ennio Bilancini – IMT Lucca
Leonardo Boncinelli – DISEI UniFI
Domenico Colucci – BEELab+, DISEI UniFI
Stefano Clò – BEELab+, DISEI UniFI
Tiziano Distefano – BEELab+, DISEI UniFI
Laura Grazzini – BEELab+, DISEI UniFI
Gianluca Iannucci – DISEI UniFI
Lina Rinaldi – IMT Lucca
Vincenzo Valori – BEELab+, DISEI UniFI
Eugenio Vicario – DISEI UniFI




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